Master in Geoinformatics  

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In everyday life, we all use geoinformation systems in an unnoticed and self-evident way. Geoinformatics is essentially dealing with the management and processing of spatial data, but also includes map visualisation, primary and secondary data collection procedures, and geographic analysis. The very broad input of the degree program allows us to accept students with cartography, geomatics or geography backgrounds, but also agricultural, technical and computer science. The program is a collaboration between the Faculty of Informatics and the Faculty of Sciences. The top-level standard of the training is guaranteed by the highly qualified academic staff, as in case with our unique Master of Cartography program. Several of the teachers are involved in the leadership of national and international professional organizations of the related area and in editorial boards of journals in the field. Teaching is supported by modern infrastructure and well-equipped labs. Upper-year students and PhD students help the first-year students in a mentor system to overcome their first challenges at the university. The institutes and departments involved in the training are in close contact with various institutions and companies that use geoinformatics in Hungary, thus ensuring the placement of students and familiarising them with the specificities of the job market.
Career opportunities Government offices, administration in local governments, research institutions, mapping agencies, archives and private firms need a growing number of cartographers who have a solid background of geoinformatics. Business companies which have a strong involvement in various visualization problems (in print or in three-dimensions) are definitely interested in employing our young GIS specialist. Also decision-makers often need the GIS support for understanding the spatial relationship of features and social or natural phenomena. Job examples GIS specialist at national mapping agencies, in land registration, at private companies, publishers, geoinformatical firms.
Master in Geoinformatics

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